National Nutrition Month – My Families Juice Plus+ Experience

No better time to start a blog on family health & wellness than National Nutrition Month. Through this blog, I’ll be sharing recipes, fitness ideas for the whole family, and my family’s journey with Juice Plus+.

My 2 year old son and I began taking the trio capsules and gummy chewables in 2014. Although very skeptical, it wasn’t long before my husband jumped on board. I joined the Juice Plus+ company as a distributor in December 2014, thinking that I just wanted to share it with my family and close friends. But as a learned more about the research behind Juice Plus+ and my family’s own experience, I knew I needed to share with even more people.


There are currently over 30 published research studies from leading hospitals and universities around the world, with more being completed everyday. My favorite studies show that Juice Plus+ is bioavailable. That means that your body is receptive to absorbing the nutrients in Juice Plus+. Eighteen publications found significant increases in blood levels of antioxidants and other phytonutrients. There are also research findings related to heart health, healthy gums, immune system, DNA, oxidative stress, healthy skin, systemic inflammation, and lung health. You can read more about the research findings here – Juice Plus+ Clinical Research.

My Juice Plus+ Experience

With a 5 year old in preschool, the biggest thing we’ve noticed since taking Juice Plus+ is that he has never missed a day of school due to sickness.With all the bugs that go through early education (and school in general), this support to our immune system has been huge! With him not missing school, it means fewer days away from work for me too.

Since moving to St Louis in 2004, I was a daily Zyrtec user with year-round allergies. I am happy to report that I have taken 1 (ONE!) Zyrtec in the last 13 months!

What health benefits do you think that Juice Plus+ could provide for your family?

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