Is your health exactly where you want it to be? What if you could learn about tools to take your health back? That’s why I’m so excited to have found the Healthy Living Revolution and the tools it provides for 10-day jumpstarts and overall nutrition guidance.
Healthy used to be SIMPLE! It wasn’t the latest superfood or the new diet craze.
Healthy was fresh vegetables from grandma’s garden. Kids played outside until it was dark. You drank water straight from a hose. We had energy all day long and 70% of us weren’t on medications. Healthy was a lifestyle that we lived and we can again.
This Healthy Living Revolution is about taking our health back, our families’ health back, our schools’ health back, our country’s health back.
Toxic Chemicals
Part of the reason we need to #takehealthyback isn’t something that we can easily control. In our world today we are exposed to toxic chemicals that are putting our health at risk. Many of the health challenges and diseases that we are facing can be linked to these toxins.

Silent Spring researchers found that BPA and other toxins could be reduced significantly after just 3 days by eating whole foods! Fruits and vegetables are powerful not just because they detox us but because they contain ANTIOXIDANTS. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress which causes aging and disease. They also contain thousands of phytonutrients – plant nutrients! These phytonutrients prevent cancer and other diseases. The second image shows a list of 400 ingredients in an apple but scientists believe there are probably 10,000 or more ingredients yet to be discovered. All of these ingredients create synergy which means they work together to prevent disease. An isolated supplement or multivitamin has maybe 20 ingredients. We need ALL of those thousands of ingredients in fruits and vegetables every day. WE DON’T HAVE A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY WE HAVE A FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEFICIENCY. I loved learning this!!!!
And not only are we eating fewer fruits and vegetables, but the mass-produced produce that many of us find in the grocery store is packing less nutritional punch than just 2 generations ago. According to Tim Lang, a professor at the Centre for Food Policy in London, you would have to eat 8 oranges to get the same amount of vitamin A your grandparents got from a single orange. And you would need to EAT FIVE to get the same level of iron.

The Answer!
Can you imagine FLOODING YOUR BODY with 45 whole foods daily? We found a way to do this. It’s called Juice Plus+! Juice Plus+ is 30 raw, vine-ripened fruits, veggies, and berries in capsules or chewables. It’s juicing made easy! The Juice Plus+ Complete is a powdered shake mix that can be blended with plant milk or even water. It’s low fat, low sugar, low glycemic, gluten-free, vegan, and 100% NON-GMO plants. It has 13 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber, and wonderful ingredients. And the JP Complete is delicious!

This image shows us why counting calories and even exercising without proper nutrition can do more harm than good. Look at the top portion. When you diet and exercise without proper nutrition, it causes stress to your body. You burn fat but toxins are exposed that have no way to get out of your system because there is a lack of good nutrition to help cleanse the toxins while losing that fat. This will make you feel worse because it creates a rebound effect. In an effort to self-protect, your body will increase fat production to protect your vital organs. You can see why dieting is a vicious cycle! Now, look at the bottom portion. FLOODING YOUR BODY with fruits and veggies every day will help your liver convert these toxins into something that can be carried out of the body.

Blood Sugar
Did you know that willpower is a function of blood sugar? Think about a time when you skipped a meal or you were too busy that you just forgot to eat. We all have those days, right? And then you want to eat anything in site 🙂 Here is why.
Will power is a function of blood sugar. Normally our blood sugar will fluctuate after every meal when we eat one without crunchy raw veggies which is represented by the light blue graph below. Crackers, bread, soda, box cereals, soup, baked goods, alcohol, dessert, and candy; all these will suddenly raise our blood sugar and then there is a drastic dip that follows. Or we may skip a meal and our blood sugar drops and we then have no self-control. This also happens first thing in the morning when we wake up on an empty stomach and even though we might not feel hungry our blood sugar is very low and we are convinced we need caffeine to wake up.
JP+ Complete Shakes are an awesome solution to this problem! The fiber content creates a low glycemic load, which means sugar enters the blood slowly… like what happens when you munch on fiber-rich broccoli. It stabilizes the blood sugar and makes it easier to avoid bad habits and food addictions that we reach for when our blood sugar drops. Many people who start on the JP complete also notice they are craving more good food and less junk. It’s literally liquid WILLPOWER 🙂

A great way to jumpstart your health and implement the concepts just covered is the Shred10 program!
The free Shred10 Guidebook includes Q&A from experts, Shred10-friendly recipes and options for meal planning, nutritional shake recipes, and more! The Shred10 is not a fad diet, it is a jumpstart into lifelong health.

Healthy Living Community
The final way to be part of the Healthy Living Revolution is to be part of our Healthy Living Community. Our hope is that your experience in our community is filled with positive engagement, encouragement, and on-going education.
Our Healthy Living Community Offers:
- Facebook Inspiration to keep your healthy lifestyle fresh, fun, and inspiring. Join here today – Fueling Healthy Families
- A free cookbook that you can download!
- Children’s program
- LIVE Events, which will be in person and online to reach everyone, no matter where they are.
- Continuing education from a variety of healthcare and fitness professionals.
If I gave you $2.38 to buy produce at the grocery store how much do you think you could buy? Maybe one organic orange and one apple?
That’s what I love about Juice Plus+! Starting at just $1.67 a day, you can get the nutrition of 20 different fruits and vegetables!
Next Steps
- Watch the Shred10 Introduction video
- This video briefly explains what Shred10 is (<3 minutes)
- Order your Juice Plus+ products
- Watch the Shred10 Informational video
- 23 minute video that explains in depth what will occur during the Shred
- Request the Shred10 Guidebook.
Ready to Shred10?